Thursday, July 15, 2010

Happy Birthday, America!

We had a really great 4th of July. The weather was perfect and the kids loved playing outside at the cabin! Smith got a slip'n'slide for his birthday and Grandpa had a big tarp set
up with all the water toys so they could play!

This is my FAVORITE picture from this summer. Smith loves Grandpa and his two favorite words to say to Grandpa are "outside" and "ride!" They are always playing outside and taking a ride either on the 4-wheeler or the golf cart!!!

Another favorite moment was when I looked out the window and saw that Grandpa was trying to teach Smith how to drink water from the hose! It was priceless!

Smith even caught his FIRST fish!

After a day at the cabin, Tizzie, Grandpa, Smith and I headed to Philadelphia to watch the fireworks show at the casino. He wasn't too sure about them and I ended up taking him inside for most of the show.

Hope you all had a FUN FOURTH, too!


The Long Family said...

I am loving your updates.

Meaghan said...

Glad you're back on the blog! Smith is so cute and getting so big! Enjoy your new home in SC, but we'll miss you in MS!!

Lauran said...

So sweet! Your Daddy & Smith remind me SO MUCH of my Daddy and Matt. 2 Peas in a Pod! My Daddy provided a 4th of July water tarp for his grandbabies to play on as well. Enjoying the updates... hope y'all are getting settled in.

Keely Hollern said...

I LOVE the pic of him and Anne Parks under the umbrella! And I can't believe how big Smith is!