Wednesday, July 21, 2010

"all better"

Today something happend that I might have to say is my FAVORITE Smith moment to date. It was one of those moments that made you wish you had a hidden camera rolling 24/7.....
When my little guy gets a boo-boo, I like most mothers "kiss it all better." Now Reed is just not like most fathers so his technique of making things all better is a little different. I guess he feels like Mr. Miyagi was much better at HEALING things than the average mother so his healing technique goes something like this....
He sits Smith on his lap and stares him dead in the eye, slaps his hands, rubs them together as if to warm them, (all the while in very serious concentration) and then places his hand on the wound. works!
Smith loves it and is "all better" as soon as daddy's magic hand touches the boo-boo.
Smith and I were laying in his bed at naptime. He was so wrestless and didn't want to go to sleep. He was rolling around, kicking...he knew if he were still for one second he would fall asleep. Finally, he turned over and kicked.....kicked me right in the face near my left eye. I sat up and began to scold him...."Lay down and take a nap! DO NOT kick mama! That hurt my eye REALLY bad!!!"
As I was trying so hard to scold him (for something that was really an accident)
he sat straight up...
looked me dead in the eyes, slapped his hands, rubbed them together and placed his "healing hands" on my face. When he uncovered my eyes I saw a smiling face that sweetly looked at me and said, "all better, mama!"
Really. My. Favorite. Moment.


Unknown said...


brad, amanda, and brody said...

oh my goodness that is so sweet. it's amazing how much they really understand!