Monday, September 13, 2010

big BOY. big WIN. big PARTY.

I was a little nervous about venturing out to the game on Saturday with Smith on my own, but HE WAS SO GOOD! He was the sweetest thing and such a big boy. He is really starting to pay attention to the games....cheering when we score, doing the "clemson yell" with the band and all the fans, and even participating in the National Anthem. .. His favorite part of the game is the BALLOONS!

We all got a little bored during the game....
Smith and left at the end of the third quarter when the score was like 49-0.
Big win for the TIGERS!
After the game, we headed to a surprise birthday party for our friend, Kristy!


Ally Walker said...

Wow Smith has grown so much Emily!! I am so glad to see that yall are happy and settled in S.C.! Cant wait to see the new baby stringer :)

Anonymous said...

This is such a lovely blog! Would you want to trade links?? Plzzzz add me and buzz me!