Sunday, October 11, 2009


The greatest moments of my life these days are watching Reed and Smith interact and play with each other. I don't know if this is because I feel so blessed to have a husband who loves me and our children unconditionally OR if it's because I have a husband who acts like he's THREE! I think maybe it's a combination of the two. Either way...It bring me pure JOY to watch them together. They play all the time and they play HARD! I have lots of videos of them playing together but I have chosen to spare you (and Reed) from watching them all. (After all, he is a professional. a grown man. I wouldn't want you to judge. :))

I just couldn't help but share THIS video with you....I started videoing about 20 minutes into the "Mr. Bear Game" so they were both getting a little tired and maybe even delirious at this point!


Katie said...

I think hearing a baby laugh is the best thing IN THE WORLD! Thanks for sharing that video!

The Long Family said...

I think we need more videos!!!!!