Today has been a heck of a day. I think I have been getting a great lesson in being a MOM! Stella has been really suffering with bad allergies for a few weeks and we went to see our vet on Monday. He gave Stella a new medication that will hopefully began to help her allergies. It is a pill that she has to take daily and he told me that the first few days to a week she could have some vomiting and diarrhea. WELL....I spent the better part of 3 hours this morning laying in the closet floor as Stella threw up and had diarrhea ALL over my closet floor! I got some towels and put them down and was seriously wiping her face and her butt for hours! She was pitiful! It was the saddest thing I have ever seen. I called the vet because I felt like the vomiting was a little more severe than they had suggested might occur. I was in a panic and of course, Reed was in a meeting. The vet said that she would be okay and gave her some medicine for her tummy. I haven't left the house all day because I just couldn't leave her here alone! She has finally been resting this afternoon and hopefully we won't have the same reaction tomorrow! We'll see!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Motherhood 101
Posted by The Stringers at 1:23 PM 4 comments
time for an update
So, we have had a lot going on around here lately. I had a birthday a few weeks ago, Andrew starred in the school musical "Guys and Dolls," I took a trip to Columbia, SC, Reed and I painted Smith's room AND my "little" brother graduates from high school on Friday night!!!

Posted by The Stringers at 9:13 AM 1 comments
Z is for ZERO letters left in the alphabet game! Woo-hoo!!!
Posted by The Stringers at 9:13 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Y is for Yelling at my Computer!
If you are wondering if I have fallen off the face of the earth... I am STILL here! I have a small problem that is DRIVING me NUTS! The ENTER button on my computer is broken! It is so annoying because I can't do anything without the ENTER button! Did you know that you can't just get a new ENTER button? You have to get a WHOLE NEW keypad!!! Writing emails and posting on my blog used to be simple tasks...NOW...they are just impossible! No one wants to read an email or post that is ONE, LONG paragraph!!! Plus...I am a little obsessed with making lists. You CANNOT make a list without pressing ENTER, so I just end up with a long paragraph and a lot of commas! Anyway, I have a lot of pictures to post and lots of things to update. I just got back from a fun trip to visit my friend, Emily, in South Carolina and Reed and I painted the nursery today! Well, hopefully we will get our little problem solved soon and I will be back to posting!!!!
Posted by The Stringers at 7:54 PM 0 comments