The boys and I spent a few days in MS the beginning of August and we had a wonderful time visiting with our friends and family! I need to get better at taking more pictures, but my TWO little guys are keeping me pretty busy!
Even with our busy schedule, we squeezed in some time to spend the night with our friends The Rutledges. Smith and Wilkes think they are superheros and had a blast together - they finally calmed down long enough to watch Spiderman!
We also got to see our friends The Beamers. Smith and Sutton have been friends since before they were born....We HOPE one day we can live in the same town AGAIN!!!
Sutton's daddy may want us to stay FAR FAR away!
Grandpa took the kids to the Wildlife Extravaganza in Jackson and they saw everything from stuffed animals to four-wheelers and gators.
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