Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day/ Banks Baby Dedication

What a wonderful Mother's Day I had this year!

We celebrated Mother's Day by having Banks Baby dedication at our "family church" in Carthage. Neither of us grew up in Carthage, but it just so happens that my parents and Reed's dad and step-mom now all live there....AND are in the same Sunday School class! It's also great that my dad's parents attend church there and my sister, my Ganne, and Reed's mom are all only a short drive away.

It was great having all of our family there as we promised to raise our children in a Christian home and to love them as the Lord has called us to love.

We also celebrated all the wonderful MOTHERS in our life!

Now I love my boys, but taking a picture with them is just NOT FUN!

I hope your Mother's Day was as HAPPY as mine!