Thursday, December 20, 2007

for this child i prayed....

So the news is out....WE'RE HAVING A BABY!!! August is a long way away, but our sweet child will be here before you know it! We went to the doctor last week and had a sonogram AND heard the little heartbeat. What a miracle!!!


Katie Walden said...

Congratulations! Everyone is having babies!

Crystal and Billy said...

Congratulations Emily...I know you are so excited!!

The Petro Family said...

Congrats Emily and Reed!

JordanandSaundersRamsey said...

Oh my goodness!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!! I am so excited for ya'll. YEAH!!!!

The Benjamins said...

Congrats! Y'all will be great parents! Get ready for the fun!

LT (and Max) said...

how exciting! congrats to you!!! :)

Lee Herrin said...

congratulations! you'll make a great mommy!

brad, amanda, and brody said...

I already told you, but I AM SO HAPPY FOR YALL! Brody has a buddy or girlfriend on the way!

mary straton said...

congrats, Emily! A little Bulldog on the way!

Unknown said...

yea!! That is so exciting!!

Congrats to you and Reed!!

The Segrest Family said...

CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so excited! keep the updates coming!

Jenny said...

congratulations!! that is such excciting news, and YES, it will be here before you know it. praying for baby stringer!

Jason, Cathy, Claire, Grey, and Nate said...

August will be here before you know if and before long, Claire and her new best friend will be off to Ozark together as members of the Caddo tribe:) love you!!

Katie said...

Congratulations Emily! I can only imagine how excited you and Reed are.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Emily! I know you are so incredibly excited!

Forrest and Elizabeth Williams said...

Oh my goodness! Fun times ahead...try to enjoy it all ...even when you think August will never get here...I promise it will and then your life will never be the same! Enjoy all of your 'carefree moments now' and sleep all you can! Congratulations! :) ejw

Anonymous said...

YAY! Another baby coming into the world is always EXCITING! Hard to believe it was just a few years ago we were all at camp together and now we're havin' babies! Glad you guys managed to have a great Christmas "on the road" and that you seem to be doing great! We've been traveling since July, various places, some for work and most for ourselves... the biggie being Europe for over a month. Yea, we have a little Spain baby :).
So.... good to connect with you on here and keep up with how things are going. I am going to get more pics up soon, still transferring stuff to my new computer. WE'LL BE 12 WEEKS ON SUNDAY!!!!
Excitedly anticipating JULY'08.... although first I can't wait for the parties to start!

Anonymous said...

Found your blog! Almost woke Weston I got so excited! There's nothing like it. Congratulations!