Miss America.
My friend Heidie and I have a tradition of hosting a Miss America party to watch the pageant live with friends. Heidie is the Director of the Miss Mississippi State Pageant and I have loved helping her the past few years. We get to work with, encourage, and prepare the reigning Miss MSU for her trip to Vicksburg to compete in Miss Mississippi!
This year's Miss MSU is the beautiful Fenly Akers. This girl WILL be Miss Mississippi in the next few years and I truly believe after a lot of work with pageant prep that she could seriously compete for THE crown one day! She is a beautiful girl with AWESOME hair and a big heart! I just love her and can't wait to cheer her on this summer.....Here's how we do it....
(i know what you are thinking...but WE think its FUN
and don't really care if you judge us!)
and of ALL the people there, it was so cute that he tried to "crown" her all night long!