Monday, October 3, 2011

the last saturday.

We always try to do something together as a family on "the last Saturday" before the season starts and Daddy's weekends disappear. Luckily, our neighborhood was having another fun event! Smith was a little timid and didn't want to go down the big slide, but he found something else that caught his eye and captured his attention for the rest of the event!

TENNIS! He had so much fun...and he was really good, too!

First Day of School

My boys are so big! Smith loves K-3 and Mrs. Becky's class.

Banks' teachers are Ms. Donna and Ms. Carolyn.

When I picked Smith up at school he was so excited to tell me about his day!

The first thing he showed me was how to sit "criss cross applesauce!"
He gets in the car every day and entertains me with wonderful stories and songs! It is by far my favorite time of my day!


Our friends, Alex and Erin Munoz.

I think somebody looks like their daddy!

Daddy's star player, LaDarius Green!

Smith had all the tight ends to sign his jersey!

Daddy's "twin" tight end! Reed and Ian look like brothers!

rare family photos!

We toook advantage of having company one Sunday morning and got a much needed family photo! Smith 3 - Banks 8 months

special moments

I happened to capture a few special moments on camera after a scrimmage one day.

The RAGIN' CAJUNS are 4-1 and we are so proud of Daddy and his team!

Momma's helper.